The Very Low Calorie Diet Can Make You Lose Weight
About one-fourth of adult Americans are obese. This increases the risk of death from high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Traditional weight loss techniques like low calorie diets are recommended in order to lose 800 to 1500 calories a day. Combined with regular exercise, obese American will shed off those excess pounds in no time. Another method that brings significant weight loss in a short amount of time is the very low calorie diet or the VLCD.
The very low calorie diet or VLCDs are generally commercially prepared to lose 800 calories or less by replacing the usual food intake of the individual. This is not similar to the over-the-counter meal alternatives. The latter is said to serve as substitutes for a meal or two a day. The former, on the other hand, is used under proper and strict medical supervision. This is to produce the significant weight loss in a short period of time which moderately to severely obese Americans need.
The very low calorie diet or VLCDs are safe as long as they are taken under proper medical supervision from credible doctors. Patients with a BMI or body mass index amounting to more than 30 must resort to this method. BMI is a formula that takes into consideration the individual's height and weight.
This is how you calculate a person's BMI. A person's weight in terms of kilograms is divided by his height in terms of meters squared. Patients with BMI ranging from 27 to 30 must also reserve the use of the very low calorie diet or VLCD for medical complications that are rooted from their obesity.
Take note that the very low calorie diet or VLCDs are not suggested for breastfeeding or pregnant women. This is also not suitable for children and adolescents. The only exception is when these individuals are going through specialized treatment procedures.
There is very little information available when it comes to the very low calorie diet or VLCDs in older individuals. Individuals over the age of 50 experience the depletion of their lean body mass, therefore resorting to VLCD may seem impractical.
Persons over the age of 50 cannot tolerate the side effects attributed to the very low calorie diet or VLCD because of the medical conditions that are dependent on the entire process. To resolve this, doctors look at it on a case to case basis. They evaluate the possible risks and the probable benefits of older individuals' drastic weight losses. They also look into the medical problems these patients are experiencing and come up with other remedies.
The very low calorie diet or VLCD allows obese patients to shed off 3 to 5 pounds each week, reaching an average weight loss of 44 pounds for about 12 weeks. This is an improvement on weight loss when it comes to any obesity-related medical condition such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
One must combine the very low calorie diet or VLCD with exercise and behavioral therapy in order to increase weight loss and to also slow down weight regain. VLCDs are no more effective than those dietary restrictions which promise long term maintaining if reduced weight.
A number of patients taking on the very low calorie diet or VLCD for one month to 4 months are said to experience minor side effects like constipation, diarrhea, nausea and fatigue. No need to panic though because these conditions improve in only a matter of weeks.
The most common side effect in the very low calorie diet or VLCD is gallstone formation. Gallstones are evident in obese people to begin with but these are notorious when there is rapid weight loss. Research shows that the rapid weight loss also lessens the gallbladder's capability to produce bile.
Obesity is a condition that requires dedication. In order to not harm his health further, the individual must resort to formal weight loss procedures such as the very low calorie diet or VLCD. This is an efficient solution which will result to healthy eating, regular exercising and improved perception on food.
Losing weight is a struggle to most people and often a cause of frustration. Losing weight must be coupled with the right diet plan and exercise programs. But did you know that even if you’ve never succeeded at losing weight before, even if you have stubborn fat deposits that don’t seem to bulge you can still lose weight and gain muscles if you know the right method to lose weight? Do you want to find out the best weight loss method that changed the lives of many overweight people? Find out here visit The Fat Loss Factor
How to Get Rid of Stomach Fat and Love Handles
The battle against the Evil Sagging Gut is an eternal one for most
people. Whether it’s a beer belly, love handles, or just the good old
fashioned tummy blubber bag that won’t go away, stomach fat is a problem
almost everyone has to deal with. Here are a few simple tips you can
take to deal with your rebellious cellulite and get rid of stomach fat.
Exercise – it’s not a four letter word, but people treat it like that. If you want to get rid of stomach fat though, it’s a necessity. Doing crunches and side crunches helps to trim body fat, along with cardio vascular exercises like jogging and calisthenics. Get into sports which require a lot of hip and waist movement to really burn off the tummy fat quick and finally get rid of stomach fat. Another alternative to get rid of stomach fat is sports which require high agility and reflexes like fencing or martial arts. These actually heighten a person’s metabolism, contributing greatly to weight loss.
Diet – yes, the scary four letter word. Alongside exercise, dieting is a time honored way to deal with body fat. A lot of people say exercise and diets are over rated and don’t really work. The sad truth is, 75% of the people who say this are just making up excuses for their own laziness and lack of self discipline. If that arrow hit a little close to the bulls eye, I offer no apologies. Getting into shape requires work, and you have to be willing to endure some discomfort to get what you want. Still, for the other 25%, you may just be doing things wrong. There are different weight loss programs out there, and some are just more suited to certain people than others. Find a diet that works for you and will help you get rid of stomach fat.
Abstinence – beer is one of the world’s leading causes of the belly bulge. There’s nothing wrong with drinking alcohol in moderation, but note that the key word in that phrase is moderation. If you want to have a well earned brew after a hard day’s work, by all means, take it. But resist those urges to vegetate on the couch in front of a TV with a 6 pack, pizza, and a bag of chips. Beer does double damage to your gut if you also tend to overeat junk food when you drink it just to keep the buzz from hitting you too fast. Drink beer in moderation to get rid of stomach fat.
Sweat Therapy – depending on how you do it, this can be either one of the most pleasant or unpleasant ways to get rid of stomach fat. Some people go for the torturous approach of strapping a sweat belt over their tummies while working out. Others use those funny vibrating belt machines in health spas to get rid of stomach fat. Personally, I’d recommend going to a sauna steam bath instead. This helps you sweat out your excess fat, yet remains a very relaxing and stress relieving activity.
Liposuction – this is something of a last resort, in my opinion if you want to get rid of stomach fat. While there ARE perfectly valid medical doctors who can perform safe cosmetic liposuction to remove a beer gut, keep in mind that there are also a lot of hack practitioners who actually wind up injuring or even killing their patients. If you decide to go this route, think about it carefully first, and make sure that the doctor performing the operation is someone you already know and trust or is recommended by one. To argue a bit against liposuction, I’d like to add that the rapid loss of cellulite caused by even a successful liposuction can cause post operation trauma and other complications.
Proper weight loss program will definitely help you get rid of stomach fat and love handles. Did you know that there is an effective fat loss system that you can use to lose weight? Even if you have less-than average genetics, even if you’ve never succeeded at losing weight before, even if you have stubborn fat deposits that don’t seem to budge, you’ve found the fat loss success system you’ve been looking for! No matter what your goals are, you can start using this powerful system right now to get leaner than you’ve ever been before. Find out more visit Truth About Abs
Exercise – it’s not a four letter word, but people treat it like that. If you want to get rid of stomach fat though, it’s a necessity. Doing crunches and side crunches helps to trim body fat, along with cardio vascular exercises like jogging and calisthenics. Get into sports which require a lot of hip and waist movement to really burn off the tummy fat quick and finally get rid of stomach fat. Another alternative to get rid of stomach fat is sports which require high agility and reflexes like fencing or martial arts. These actually heighten a person’s metabolism, contributing greatly to weight loss.
Diet – yes, the scary four letter word. Alongside exercise, dieting is a time honored way to deal with body fat. A lot of people say exercise and diets are over rated and don’t really work. The sad truth is, 75% of the people who say this are just making up excuses for their own laziness and lack of self discipline. If that arrow hit a little close to the bulls eye, I offer no apologies. Getting into shape requires work, and you have to be willing to endure some discomfort to get what you want. Still, for the other 25%, you may just be doing things wrong. There are different weight loss programs out there, and some are just more suited to certain people than others. Find a diet that works for you and will help you get rid of stomach fat.
Abstinence – beer is one of the world’s leading causes of the belly bulge. There’s nothing wrong with drinking alcohol in moderation, but note that the key word in that phrase is moderation. If you want to have a well earned brew after a hard day’s work, by all means, take it. But resist those urges to vegetate on the couch in front of a TV with a 6 pack, pizza, and a bag of chips. Beer does double damage to your gut if you also tend to overeat junk food when you drink it just to keep the buzz from hitting you too fast. Drink beer in moderation to get rid of stomach fat.
Sweat Therapy – depending on how you do it, this can be either one of the most pleasant or unpleasant ways to get rid of stomach fat. Some people go for the torturous approach of strapping a sweat belt over their tummies while working out. Others use those funny vibrating belt machines in health spas to get rid of stomach fat. Personally, I’d recommend going to a sauna steam bath instead. This helps you sweat out your excess fat, yet remains a very relaxing and stress relieving activity.
Liposuction – this is something of a last resort, in my opinion if you want to get rid of stomach fat. While there ARE perfectly valid medical doctors who can perform safe cosmetic liposuction to remove a beer gut, keep in mind that there are also a lot of hack practitioners who actually wind up injuring or even killing their patients. If you decide to go this route, think about it carefully first, and make sure that the doctor performing the operation is someone you already know and trust or is recommended by one. To argue a bit against liposuction, I’d like to add that the rapid loss of cellulite caused by even a successful liposuction can cause post operation trauma and other complications.
Proper weight loss program will definitely help you get rid of stomach fat and love handles. Did you know that there is an effective fat loss system that you can use to lose weight? Even if you have less-than average genetics, even if you’ve never succeeded at losing weight before, even if you have stubborn fat deposits that don’t seem to budge, you’ve found the fat loss success system you’ve been looking for! No matter what your goals are, you can start using this powerful system right now to get leaner than you’ve ever been before. Find out more visit Truth About Abs
How Many Daily Intake of Calorie Should I Have To Lose Weight
Bringing your weight down through a diet is not a matter of eating
less, but rather of controlling the number of calories you take in a
given day. While this translates to most people as simply eating less of
everything, this is actually not true. You don’t have to eat
substantially less to lose weight; you just have to watch what you eat
and your daily intake of calorie.
The best thing you can do for weight control is to do your research and monitor your daily intake of calorie, and here are the steps you should take to make yourself a diet plan that will help you to lose weight without the usual dread of starving yourself.
The first thing you need to do is check your ideal body weight for your height and compare it to your actual weight. Yes, I know this can get depressing but you have to give yourself a goal, and that ideal weight is what you should strive for.
Next, download a calorie calculator from the internet that lets you figure out your how many calories someone at your IDEAL weight should be taking in a day for body maintenance. Needless to say, you should NOT strive to match this intake immediately if you’re at, say, 200% or more of your ideal weight. But at least you now have a better idea of the daily intake of calorie you’re shooting for.
Then you should look for food calorie references, either from books or the internet, and pretty much go over the list. Start by listing which foods you eat and in what quantities to monitor your daily intake of calorie. You’ll immediately be able to pinpoint the biggest culprits in your regular diet that provide huge calories for relatively minor amounts eaten. Kick those from your day to day eating habits if possible to regulate your daily intake of calorie, especially if they’re empty calories like those found in junk foods.
Then, list the foods that you regularly eat (or can tolerate, at least) which have a low calorific value for their mass. These can make up the bulk of your diet when you start out, so that you can eat almost as much as you used to but fewer daily intake of calorie.
Make yourself a timetable where you gradually decrease the amounts of food taken until you eventually get to the required daily intake of calorie for someone at your ideal weight. Be realistic about this. The farther you are from the ideal weight, the more time you should give yourself, or your body may actually suffer from shock due to sudden and excessive weight loss. Make the plan and consult with a dietician to be safe. Once you get to the point where you are having enough daily intake of calorie to support your ideal weight, don’t go below that even if you’re still a bit overweight. Your body will naturally adjust to the decreased daily intake of calorie until you eventually arrive at the ideal weight.
As a final note, don’t rely on a diet or monitoring your daily intake of calorie alone to help you get rid of unwanted fat. Exercise to speed the process along. Aerobics and calisthenics are great for this, though if you want something different just remember that any cardiovascular activity will help towards weight loss as well, and will give the added benefit of being healthy for your heart and lungs as well as helping you shed blubber. Before engaging in any overly strenuous exercises though, consult with your physician to make sure that you can actually handle it without risking your health.
Losing weight is a struggle to most people and often a cause of frustration. But did you know that even if you’ve never succeeded at losing weight before, even if you have stubborn fat deposits that don’t seem to bulge you can still lose weight and gain muscles if you know the right method to lose weight? Do you want to find out the best weight loss method that changed the lives of many overweight people? Find out here visit The Fat Loss Factor
The best thing you can do for weight control is to do your research and monitor your daily intake of calorie, and here are the steps you should take to make yourself a diet plan that will help you to lose weight without the usual dread of starving yourself.
The first thing you need to do is check your ideal body weight for your height and compare it to your actual weight. Yes, I know this can get depressing but you have to give yourself a goal, and that ideal weight is what you should strive for.
Next, download a calorie calculator from the internet that lets you figure out your how many calories someone at your IDEAL weight should be taking in a day for body maintenance. Needless to say, you should NOT strive to match this intake immediately if you’re at, say, 200% or more of your ideal weight. But at least you now have a better idea of the daily intake of calorie you’re shooting for.
Then you should look for food calorie references, either from books or the internet, and pretty much go over the list. Start by listing which foods you eat and in what quantities to monitor your daily intake of calorie. You’ll immediately be able to pinpoint the biggest culprits in your regular diet that provide huge calories for relatively minor amounts eaten. Kick those from your day to day eating habits if possible to regulate your daily intake of calorie, especially if they’re empty calories like those found in junk foods.
Then, list the foods that you regularly eat (or can tolerate, at least) which have a low calorific value for their mass. These can make up the bulk of your diet when you start out, so that you can eat almost as much as you used to but fewer daily intake of calorie.
Make yourself a timetable where you gradually decrease the amounts of food taken until you eventually get to the required daily intake of calorie for someone at your ideal weight. Be realistic about this. The farther you are from the ideal weight, the more time you should give yourself, or your body may actually suffer from shock due to sudden and excessive weight loss. Make the plan and consult with a dietician to be safe. Once you get to the point where you are having enough daily intake of calorie to support your ideal weight, don’t go below that even if you’re still a bit overweight. Your body will naturally adjust to the decreased daily intake of calorie until you eventually arrive at the ideal weight.
As a final note, don’t rely on a diet or monitoring your daily intake of calorie alone to help you get rid of unwanted fat. Exercise to speed the process along. Aerobics and calisthenics are great for this, though if you want something different just remember that any cardiovascular activity will help towards weight loss as well, and will give the added benefit of being healthy for your heart and lungs as well as helping you shed blubber. Before engaging in any overly strenuous exercises though, consult with your physician to make sure that you can actually handle it without risking your health.
Losing weight is a struggle to most people and often a cause of frustration. But did you know that even if you’ve never succeeded at losing weight before, even if you have stubborn fat deposits that don’t seem to bulge you can still lose weight and gain muscles if you know the right method to lose weight? Do you want to find out the best weight loss method that changed the lives of many overweight people? Find out here visit The Fat Loss Factor
Lose Weight and Gain Muscles: How to Exercise Properly to Lose Weight
People nowadays are becoming more conscious of their weight. There
are compelling reasons to do so. With the emergence of modern beauty and
fashion magazines and the continuing adoration to great-bodied
celebrities, who would not want to take a piece of the cake? People are
now curious how to lose weight and gain muscles.
People in nature would want to be admired and looked up to. That is why no matter how hard and tedious it may take; people tend to be conscious about how they look. Modern beauty is now dictated by how one’s physical statistics are. People will always give it a try to lose fat and gain muscles even if it takes a lot of efforts.
In the Internet alone, it is estimated that most online surfers who seek tips and advise through Internet sites are mostly concerned about weight loss problems. The topic of weight loss is certainly one of the most popular issues being openly discussed in all types of venues nowadays.
Lose Weight and Gain Muscles through Exercise.
As kids, your parents, doctor and teachers in school had often reminded you that exercise never fails to make the body healthy. Indeed, exercise activities are tasks that make the blood circulation remain at healthy levels, muscles firmer and toned and overall senses sharper.
In the regimen concerning weight loss, exercises are activities that surely boost and accelerate the measures to make weight loss programs more effective. Perhaps, people, even in the past, always associate effective control to lose weight and gain muscles through proper, regular and disciplined execution of exercises.
Thus, exercises are necessary to lose weight and gain muscles. But step back, because exercises, in general, would be futile if not properly executed.
Tips on how to make exercises work to lose weight and gain muscles.
You should be aware of the following simple guidelines that would surely help you benefit the most from the execution of all exercises to lose weight and gain muscles. As your gym and fitness instructors would always remind you, exercises are effective not because they make you sweat, but because they are able to make necessary muscles work and effectively burn calories.
It is the form and proper execution in exercises that matter more than the actual duration of the exercise program. Regular exercise sessions would also render useless if the procedures are not done accordingly or in proper form. Nevertheless, proper body conditioning is also needed prior to, during and after exercises.
Here are some simple tips that would help you make exercises work effectively as you aim to lose weight and gain muscles.
Did you know that even if you’ve never succeeded at losing weight before, even if you have stubborn fat deposits that don’t seem to bulge you can still lose weight and gain muscles if you know the right method to lose weight? Do you want to find out the best weight loss method that changed the lives of many overweight people? Find out visit The Fat Loss Factor
People in nature would want to be admired and looked up to. That is why no matter how hard and tedious it may take; people tend to be conscious about how they look. Modern beauty is now dictated by how one’s physical statistics are. People will always give it a try to lose fat and gain muscles even if it takes a lot of efforts.
In the Internet alone, it is estimated that most online surfers who seek tips and advise through Internet sites are mostly concerned about weight loss problems. The topic of weight loss is certainly one of the most popular issues being openly discussed in all types of venues nowadays.
Lose Weight and Gain Muscles through Exercise.
As kids, your parents, doctor and teachers in school had often reminded you that exercise never fails to make the body healthy. Indeed, exercise activities are tasks that make the blood circulation remain at healthy levels, muscles firmer and toned and overall senses sharper.
In the regimen concerning weight loss, exercises are activities that surely boost and accelerate the measures to make weight loss programs more effective. Perhaps, people, even in the past, always associate effective control to lose weight and gain muscles through proper, regular and disciplined execution of exercises.
Thus, exercises are necessary to lose weight and gain muscles. But step back, because exercises, in general, would be futile if not properly executed.
Tips on how to make exercises work to lose weight and gain muscles.
You should be aware of the following simple guidelines that would surely help you benefit the most from the execution of all exercises to lose weight and gain muscles. As your gym and fitness instructors would always remind you, exercises are effective not because they make you sweat, but because they are able to make necessary muscles work and effectively burn calories.
It is the form and proper execution in exercises that matter more than the actual duration of the exercise program. Regular exercise sessions would also render useless if the procedures are not done accordingly or in proper form. Nevertheless, proper body conditioning is also needed prior to, during and after exercises.
Here are some simple tips that would help you make exercises work effectively as you aim to lose weight and gain muscles.
- Master the proper movements for each exercise procedure. For example, jogging would be simple, but did you know that there is an effective way to do it to lose weight and gain muscles?
- Learn how to inhale and exhale accordingly. When you exert more muscle effort that is the time you should inhale, while exhaling should be done during the lighter part of the exercise.
- Do not eat before the exercise session. If you take a meal before the session, chances are that your body would just burn the food and calories you just took in. It is more advised to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning, so the body would burn all the stored fats during the process.
- Although you want to lose fat and gain muscles, do not overdo exercises. Listen to your body’s calls. If you are tired, take a rest, do not keep going because you might collapse or experience muscle cramps.
Did you know that even if you’ve never succeeded at losing weight before, even if you have stubborn fat deposits that don’t seem to bulge you can still lose weight and gain muscles if you know the right method to lose weight? Do you want to find out the best weight loss method that changed the lives of many overweight people? Find out visit The Fat Loss Factor
The Facts About Losing Fat Gaining Muscle
Fat is essential in our body but in limited quantities. Excess fat is
dangerous when deposited in our body leading to various diseases.
Decreasing or burning body fat leading to weight loss extend human
longevity. Losing fat gaining muscle is a big decision that
most obese people should consider. People with weight problem may find
it hard to embrace and put into action the concept of losing fat gaining muscle but to achieve something in life you have to work hard to attain it. Losing fat gaining muscle will not only benefit your health but it will boost your self-esteem.
If you have weight problem and tried almost everything and nothing happened do not despair as weight problem is something that can be worked on if you found the right way how to lose weight. Losing fat gaining muscle is possible, you can lose fat permanently and you can do it without wrecking your metabolism. Losing fat gaining muscle will fire up your metabolic engine and help you lose excess fat. Some people may lose fat spending huge amount of money on supplements and drugs, sometimes it work but the result is just temporary and there are consequences of side effects.
If you are confused and frustrated by all the weight loss programs and strategies you tried before,Fat Burning Furnace is the system that will end all your confusions and doubts. It will teach you the right way to lose fat and gain muscle effectively. Losing fat gaining muscle is your ticket to lose weight and bring back your self confidence visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots
If you have weight problem and tried almost everything and nothing happened do not despair as weight problem is something that can be worked on if you found the right way how to lose weight. Losing fat gaining muscle is possible, you can lose fat permanently and you can do it without wrecking your metabolism. Losing fat gaining muscle will fire up your metabolic engine and help you lose excess fat. Some people may lose fat spending huge amount of money on supplements and drugs, sometimes it work but the result is just temporary and there are consequences of side effects.
If you are confused and frustrated by all the weight loss programs and strategies you tried before,Fat Burning Furnace is the system that will end all your confusions and doubts. It will teach you the right way to lose fat and gain muscle effectively. Losing fat gaining muscle is your ticket to lose weight and bring back your self confidence visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots
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